Fence Repair and Revamp Service

Fence Repair Services

When it comes to fence repair, our comprehensive services cover a range of essential tasks to ensure your fencing remains sturdy, secure, and visually appealing. From fence post repair and replacement, to replacing panels, straightening up fence posts, and repairing gates, our skilled team is equipped to handle every aspect of fence maintenance with precision and efficiency. 

Whether you're located in Medway, Gravesend, Sittingbourne, or Maidstone, our comprehensive repair services are designed to address all aspects of fencing maintenance, providing reliable solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Fence post Repair

Need fence post repair? Whether your fence posts are concrete or wooden, Sheridan Fencing is here to help. Give us a call today for a quick quote and let us swiftly address and fix any issues with your fence posts. Our experienced team is ready to ensure your fence stands strong and secure once again.

Panel Replacement and Repair

Need panel repair or replacement? Whether the wind has blown out your panels or time has caught up with them, let us assist you with a free quote.

Revamp Fencing services

Consider revitalizing your fencing by renewing wooden components if your concrete posts are in good condition. Whether it's closeboarding or panels, our expert team can assess and renew all wooden parts. Additionally, you have the option to upgrade your overlap panels to the robust closeboard panels, as illustrated in the accompanying photo. This upgrade not only enhances the durability and longevity of your fencing but also brings a fresh, modern look to your property. Trust us to optimize your fencing, ensuring that every element contributes to the overall strength and aesthetic appeal.

Concrete Spur Repair

When it comes to fencing spur repair, we specialise in providing solutions that not only fix the issue but also safeguard the integrity of your fence. Our repair process is designed to be non-invasive, ensuring minimal impact on your existing fence structure. By strategically implementing spurs, we aim to give your wooden fence an extended lifespan of another 5 to 10 years. This approach not only addresses the immediate repair needs but also contributes to the long-term durability of your fencing, offering a cost-effective and sustainable solution.

Fence Post and Panel Repair options:

Fencing Repair Services:

  1. Wooden and concrete Post Replacement:

    • 3x3 Wooden Posts
    • 4x4 Wooden Posts
    • Concrete Posts
  2. Concrete Spurs:

    • Available for 3x3 and 4x4 Wooden Posts
  3. Panel Replacement:

    • Like-for-Like Replacement
    • Upgraded Panels to closeboard panels
  4. Gate Repairs:

    • General Gate Repairs
    • Gate Posts Replacement

Need a Quote for Fence Post Repair?

If you're in need of fence post repair, Sheridan Fencing is here to help! Whether your fence posts are leaning, damaged, or need reinforcement, we provide reliable repair services tailored to your needs.

Contact us today for a free quote. Our experienced team will assess the damage, discuss repair options with you, and provide a detailed estimate including materials and labor costs.

With Sheridan Fencing's expertise and commitment to quality, you can trust us to restore the stability and durability of your fence posts efficiently and effectively.

Don't hesitate to get your fence posts back in shape. Contact us now to schedule your consultation and receive your personalized quote. We look forward to assisting you!