Wood fence Installation

Wooden fence Installation

Sheridan fencing - Dave Relf

Embarking on the journey to enhance your property with a wooden timber fence? Discovering the right contractors is crucial for a successful and aesthetically pleasing installation. In North Kent, we at Sheridan Fencing bring you a curated selection of wooden timber fencing, we as fence contractors specialize in various styles, including Closeboard Panels, waney lap panels, and decorative designs.590de858-7394-4535-a2ae-fd1453e04439jpg

Looking for a wood fence installation, here is a guide below.

If you're considering a wood fence installation this year in North Kent, you have various options, including closeboarding, closeboard panels, waney lap panels, decorative panels, and the classic picket fence. For closeboarding, it's recommended to use morticed 4x4 wooden posts for a traditional and sturdy installation. Alternatively, plain 4x4 posts can be utilized, but this requires attaching motorway rails to the front of the posts and then boarding out the front, ensuring that the posts remain concealed on the boarded side.

For other panel options like Waney lap panels, specifically, you can also choose 3x3 wooden posts for installation. This is advisable due to the lighter weight of waney lap panels. If you're opting for decorative panels or the timeless picket fence, I recommend the use of plain 4x4 wooden posts for added stability. Additionally, consider incorporating gravel boards, available in a 6-inch height and 10-foot length, which can be customized to fit any style of fencing. This versatile option not only adds flexibility to your design but also guarantees a well-constructed fence that complements your investment.46fb3096-8b7f-4632-a452-7f1a76fb59c3jpg

Wooden fencing list:

  1. Closeboarding:

    • Recommended posts: Morticed 4x4 wooden posts for traditional strength.
    • Alternative posts: Plain 4x4 posts with motorway rails for a concealed look from the boarded side.
  2. Waney Lap Panels:

    • Recommended posts: Lighter 3x3 wooden posts for waney lap panels.
    • Alternative posts:  4x4 wooden posts for added stability.
  3. Other Panels (Decorative/Closeboard):

    • Recommended posts: plain 4x4 wooden posts for overall strength.
  4. Picket Fence:

    • Recommended posts: Morticed 4x4 wooden posts for stability.
  5. Gravel Boards:

    • Available in 6-inch height and 10-foot length.
    • Customizable to fit any style of fencing.

 Wood fence contractors

As you embark on the journey of enhancing your property with a wooden fence, look no further than Sheridan. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch services, offering not only a wide range of options including Closeboard Panels, waney lap panels, and decorative designs but also expert installation. With Sheridan, your vision of a beautifully crafted wooden fence becomes a reality. Trust us to transform your property and provide the perfect finishing touch.